Wedding Company

More than just a Wedding Planner

The White Rose is where dreams are true!
More than just a wedding planner, we are a unique partner that gives couples full control over every aspect of their event while ensuring the budget is respected, always keeping them at the heart of their special day.

No limits to creativity, and dreams: by integrating all services into a single entity, we take full responsibility for the event, ensuring flawless coordination where every detail is carefully managed. With professionalism, expertise, and innovation, we guide our couples through their vision, structuring their ideas in the best way to create an unforgettable experience.


Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is centered around offering a complete service, bringing together all the necessary figures within a single company to create a tailor-made wedding: not just a wedding planner, but a true Wedding Company.

Our vision is your vision. The White Rose is entirely client-oriented, ensuring that every element, from the venue to the music, from the flowers to the catering, is perfectly aligned with your vision for the event. We create tailor-made solutions, enriched by spontaneous moments that turn your wedding into an extraordinary and unforgettable memory for you, your guests, and your loved ones.

We are The White Rose

At The White Rose, people make the difference. Our team is built on shared values: generosity, responsibility, continuous learning, innovation, strong relationships, and the joy of working with passion. We value each person’s contribution, ensuring a motivated, cohesive team. This allows us to provide a truly personalized experience, where expertise and dedication come together to create unforgettable events.

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